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Всмукателен и изпускателен колектор H23
Лека засилка на F20A4
1 1129 rebo_civic
Автор: rebo_civic
16 хонда джанти
4 х 114.3
1 778 XaXo
Автор: XaXo
компресор за климатик отличен 0 742 K_ski
Автор: K_ski
Задна тунинг броня за 4г. 0 643 Golden
Автор: Golden
Джанти 17" (4х114.3) 6 1414 Birchoo
Автор: Birchoo
Продавам редки джанти
XXR 527 15x8.25J 4x100/4x114.3
4 лети джанти с гуми 12 1103 NightRider
Автор: NightRider
Алуминиеви джанти " Zito Bella" 18, 4x114 / 4x100 2 1001 THE_VIPER
Prelude 5г Х22А5 [ 1 2 ]
на части
26 2937 ggushterov
Автор: ggushterov
Двигател H22A JDM 200к.с.
напълно обслужен
5 961 ggushterov
Автор: ggushterov
Инжектори от H22A 0 728 tougeboy
Автор: tougeboy
Части от Акорд 99-та
F18B2 на части
0 801 Asti
Автор: Asti
Honda Prelude JDM hameleon (H22A) [ 1 2 ]
на части
18 3223 theexpress
Автор: theexpress
Продавам полуоски, стартер и още неща
От прелюд 5-та автомат
4 786 eXb0y
Автор: Lordini
Продавам основни лагери ACL Racing
5M1957H - STD size
2 947 ggushterov
Автор: ggushterov
Продавам JDM контролен модул за климатроник
за 4 генерация
2 840 nightfighter
Автор: nightfighter
някои неща за продан
5 1144 MENDES
Продавам ел шибидах прелюд 4 2 760 galev_90
Автор: galev_90
Скоростна кутия за F20
0 732 ggushterov
Автор: ggushterov
Продавам джанти 4*114,3 18" 0 769 prosto_smesh
Автор: prosto_smesh
продавам ел. прибиращи огледала за 4та 6 999 theexpress
Автор: theexpress
Малко части за х22
махови, бензинова помпа, алтернатор, делко, стартер и др..
0 688 dominiko
Автор: dominiko
Смукателен колектор от Х22А7
без дросел
1 738 ggushterov
Автор: ggushterov
Продавам катализатор перфектен от Х23 1 727 Golden
Автор: Golden
джанти момо 0 768 katera
Автор: katera
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Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

- Ayrton Senna

I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.

- Ayrton Senna

Success is 99 percent failure.

- Soichiro Honda

We only have one future, and it will be made of our dreams, if we have the courage to challenge convention.

- Soichiro Honda

Some dream to escape reality, some to change it forever.

- Soichiro Honda

Wherever I go, everyone is a little bit safer because I am there. Whenever I return home, everyone is happy I am there.
Wherever I am, anyone in need has a friend. It's a better life!

- Robert L.Humphrey

It is difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet.

- Miyamoto Musashi

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising each and every time we fail.

- Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

- Confucius

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.

- Confucius

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

- Socrates

A jug fills drop by drop.

- Buddha

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

- Buddha

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.

- Chinese Proverb

Soichiro Honda
Success is 99% failure.
Many people dream of success. To me success can be achieved only through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success represents 1 percent of your work which results only from the 99 percent that is called failure.
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Soichiro Honda