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Има ли байкъри? 5 860 ggushterov
Автор: aλexandro
Ето с какво се сдобих и аз днес за моя Прелюд 5 746 Вальо
Автор: Вальо
Време е за море 6 723 ggushterov
Автор: SuNHiGh
Аман от шофьори [ 1 2 3 ]
разказ в картинки
36 2305 NSBOP
Автор: Dancho
на някой трябва ли му такъв плафон 3 772 NightRider
Автор: NightRider
Ключ за контра на шайбата на коляновия вал 2 1100 HRC
Автор: mom4i74
honda prelude люк 1 770 prelud4o
Автор: NSBOP
мнение за дискове powerstop 0 791 NightRider
Автор: NightRider
Ето какво си купих днес
1 911 ggushterov
Автор: Garfi
Оп , с какво се оборудва батко Наско днес :)))
6 749 bladesux
Автор: bladesux
Купих си голф 3 [ 1 2 3 ] 42 4446 mom4i74
NSX 8000 евра 6 805 Вальо
Автор: prelude
Камерите на кат за почивните дни
.Побликувани в интернет
0 684 eldesa
Автор: eldesa
Захранване за PC 3 740 Mkilla
Автор: Mkilla
Дорник за втулките на балансиращите валове
13 1144 mom4i74
Автор: mom4i74
Swap H22A5 to H22A [ 1 2 ]
19 1462 ggushterov
Автор: batkosio
Рекаро седалки от Акорд Type R [ 1 2 ]
Желаещи да си направим партия за седалките
25 4555 mom4i74
Автор: mom4i74
Online shoping 11 889 gogomaniaka
Автор: Mkilla
Искри от асфалта - състезание с лагерни колички 4 1003 Mkilla
Автор: Mkilla
Автор: MonsterOOD
Как се прави състезателен Прелюд
разказ в картинки
3 749 NightRider
jdm 3 ти стоп 2 769 NightRider
Автор: NightRider
за календар на мобиле
21 1919 eldesa
Автор: Вальо
ЧРД dominiko и btkd 7 720 NSBOP
Автор: dominiko
Infoboard 1 и Infoboard Touch [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]
Всичко за тях
67 5988 Garfi
Автор: mom4i74
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Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

- Ayrton Senna

I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.

- Ayrton Senna

Success is 99 percent failure.

- Soichiro Honda

We only have one future, and it will be made of our dreams, if we have the courage to challenge convention.

- Soichiro Honda

Some dream to escape reality, some to change it forever.

- Soichiro Honda

Wherever I go, everyone is a little bit safer because I am there. Whenever I return home, everyone is happy I am there.
Wherever I am, anyone in need has a friend. It's a better life!

- Robert L.Humphrey

It is difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet.

- Miyamoto Musashi

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising each and every time we fail.

- Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

- Confucius

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.

- Confucius

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

- Socrates

A jug fills drop by drop.

- Buddha

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

- Buddha

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.

- Chinese Proverb

Soichiro Honda
Success is 99% failure.
Many people dream of success. To me success can be achieved only through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success represents 1 percent of your work which results only from the 99 percent that is called failure.
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Soichiro Honda